Oil, Gas & Petrochemical
TCF fans have a long history of meeting the challenging requirements of petroleum refining and the production of chemicals and plastics.
Our heavy-duty industrial fans are customised for virtually any application, including:
> Flare Stacks
> Thermal Oxidisers
> Heating (Fired Heaters) Combustion Air
> Desulphurisation
> Dryers
> Pollution Control
> Material Handling
> Steam Generation
To meet the harsh environments encountered with many processes, a wide range of options include special bearings, disc couplings and mechanical shaft seals and speciality coatings.
TCF fans comply with industry standards including:
> ATEX (Atmosphères Explosives) Directive 94/9/EC
> API (American Petroleum Institute) Standards 560 & 673
> AWS (American Welding Society) D1.1 & D14.6|
> (PIP) Process Industry Practices
> ASME (American Standards of Mechanical Engineers)